How to Cook Broccoli on Stove

Steamed Broccoli Ingredients
1 bunch of fresh broccoli or a large crown
2 cups water
6 or 8 quart stock pot
Vegetable steam basket
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
How to Steam Fresh Broccoli on the Stove
Wash and trim stalks from broccoli and place in steamer basket.
Pour water into pot.
Place in the steamer basket to ensure you have enough water.
(Water should be right up to the basket.)
Cover the pot and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, turn down heat to low.
Allow to steam for 3-5 minutes or until your desired softness of the broccoli.
Serve hot with salt, butter, or grated cheddar cheese.
Or make our special BROCCOLI CHEESE SAUCE
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