Fresh Corn Cut Off the Cob
Fresh corn cut off the cob will change the way you eat corn forever. I had never given any thought to cutting corn off the cob, but just about every time we had corn on the cob, Mike would reminisce about how his Grandma in Pensacola would always cut it off the cob for his Grandpa every Sunday when they had their after church dinner.

Mike would always ask her to cut some for him, and he developed a real liking for it.
One Saturday night when we were cooking supper, Mike suggested we give it a try so we did…
And all I can say is, “WOW!” It is awesome.
I don’t think we’ve eaten corn on the cob since then, we always cut it off now.
If you like corn out of a can, fresh corn cut off the cob will be a real treat for you.
You may never go back to the canned stuff.
It may seem like it would be a hassle to make, but it’s pretty easy.
If you’re watching your waistline, one ear per person will probably do – but believe me when I tell you there won’t be any leftovers.
We usually go with two ears per person, because most people want seconds, and we love to have some left over anyway. It never goes to waste!
By the way, fresh corn is always best, but this works with frozen corn on the cob also in case fresh corn is not available to you. Be sure to cook the corn according to package directions if using frozen corn.
So, here’s what you need to do:
Corn Cut Off the Cob Ingredients:
1-2 ears of corn per person
How to Cook Corn Cut Off the Cob:
Shuck your corn and clean off the silky strands just before you’re going to boil it.
If there is a stem on the corn, cut it off so the base of the ear of corn is flat.

Bring water to boil in a pot large enough to hold your corn on the cob.
When the water begins to boil, add the corn to the boiling water.

Bring the water back to a boil, and boil the corn for 10 minutes (or less).
NOTE: Some people boil their corn for as little as 3 minutes. This is totally up to you. We boil ours for 10 minutes and it is fine for us.
Remove the corn from the water with some tongs or something like that.

Take one ear at a time and cut off the kernels. We cut ours on a platter that we eat boiled seafood on (see photo).
Put all of your kernels in a bowl, add butter and a little salt, and serve it up.
You may never want to eat corn out of a can again!
You’re gonna love fresh corn cut off the cob!
Cajun Cooking TV features Beryl Caillouet Stokes and her grand-daughter Addison cooking up some good eating Cajun recipes from their kitchen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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The Cajun Cooking TV show airs on local Baton Rouge, Louisiana television channel WLFT MeTV channel 30.1 and on Cox cable channel 117 on Tuesday mornings at 10 am.
You Can Write Beryl At:
Cajun Cooking TV
7516 Bluebonnet Blvd # 179
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
I am hoping you can help me. I used to get a Seafood pie at Walmart the company that made the seafood pie was in New Orleans and of course Walmart does not carry the Pie any longer I was wondering if you have a recipe for a seafood pie?? It was very good, don’t remember what all was in there but it was Good. Hope you can Help
Hi Jannette,
We’ve made a crawfish pie before, here’s the recipe –
I imagine you could make it similarly, using shrimp or crab meat or whatever mixture you’d like.
I hope this helps.
Mike and Beryl
Here’s another recipe for a pie that you could possibly modify to use seafood instead of chicken –
Thank you for checking out our recipes and contacting us!
Beryl and Mike
We call this skillet corn.
we cut it off the cob, scrape the cob and cook it with some butter in a cast iron skillet.
That’s why we call it skillet corn.
Thank you, Wanda!
We didn’t know a name for it. I like “skillet corn”.
Beryl and Mike
Thank You for the Crawfish and Chicken pie recipes.
I made them both and they were Wonderful!!!!
Keep the GOOD RECIPES coming!!!
Thank you, Jannette!
It was so kind of you to let us know you enjoyed the recipes.
We appreciate you.
Beryl and Mike
I love my cookbook!! Are you going to do anymore? Or do you still have any? Keep cooking love it! Doris
Hi Doris,
Thank you for getting in touch with us!
This is our only cookbook right now. We do have more of this one.
We really appreciate you!
Beryl and Mike