How to Make Homemade Lemonade

We’re getting back to basics so let me show you How to Make Homemade Lemonade using real lemons and adding a twist of oranges or Satsumas (tangerines).
Whether it’s hot or cold outside, a recipe for homemade lemonade is fast, easy, and so delicious. On a recent family gathering, we made two containers of homemade lemonade with real lemons to bring for drinks instead of the typical sodas. We try to avoid or steer away from heavily processed foods and drinks as much as possible. Homemade lemonade is a great natural alternative and you know it’s 100% real juice.
As with most family gatherings, there is always the usual cooler full of sodas and those sugary drinks for kids in pouches or boxes. I am not a fan of either. So this time, we decided to bring something that we liked to drink. We made a one gallon recipe of homemade lemonade using fresh lemons from my Mom’s gigantic lemon tree. Some of these lemons were like the size of a naval orange.

After squeezing about two dozen lemons, we had 2 quarts of just straight lemon juice. We filled 8 ice cube trays with the juice. Once frozen, we cracked the lemon juice cubes and placed in Ziploc freezer
bags to use as we needed. We’ll probably use 4-6 cubes when we want some fresh made lemonade.
For the How to Make Homemade Lemonade with real lemons video featured below, we used lemons, lime, and an orange. For Thanksgiving, we used my Mom’s lemons and squeezed two Satsumas (called tangerines in other parts of the country outside of Louisiana).
We thought we would come home with at least one of the containers we brought to my Dad’s. But, nope my homemade lemonade was a super hit and no one drank the sodas. How refreshing!
How to Make Homemade Lemonade: Ingredients to Make a 2 Quart Pitcher
4 cups water heated in the microwave or on the stove (boiling not necessary)
4 cups cold water
1/2 cup to 1 full cup sugar (we use the brown unrefined sugar)
4-6 lemons (use Meyer lemons if you can find them – they are the best!)
1 Orange or 2 Satumas (Satumas = Tangerines) (Minneola Tangelos are the best!)

How to Make Homemade Lemonade: Stuff Needed
2 quart pitcher
Long spoon for stirring
Citrus juicer (we have two manual types: one with glass container and plastic juicing cone and a metal juicer that squeezes the juice out of the lemon half)
Sharp paring knife
Cutting board
Large measuring cup

How to Make Homemade Lemonade: Steps to Make
Heat 4 cups water in a microwave safe container for 3 minutes. Or heat on the stove.
(Actually, hot tap water will do, in my opinion – Mike.)
Carefully remove and stir in sugar to dissolve fully. (This is called simple syrup.) Set aside.
Using the cutting board and paring knife cut the fruit in half by placing the fruit on its side; (meaning the stem part should be pointed to the side.)
Cut in half. Remove any easy to reach seeds with the tip of the knife or a fork.
Using the citrus juicer, place a lemon half on the juicing cone. Apply pressure to press down; then turn and turn until all the juice flesh is opened up.

Repeat for oranges or tangerines to add a natural sweet taste.
Pour the citrus juice into the pitcher. Add the simple sugar syrup and stir well. Fill pitcher with cold water. Taste Test for desired sweetness. We really use about 1/2 cup – 3/4 cup sugar, because we don’t like it too sweet.
Pour your Homemade Lemonade over tall iced glasses and garnish with a slice of lemon or orange.
Ahhh! That’s refreshing.
Cajun Cooking TV features Beryl Caillouet Stokes and her grand-daughter Addison cooking up some good eating Cajun recipes from their kitchen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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7516 Bluebonnet Blvd # 179
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We don’t drink much soda around here, so it’s refreshing to see a recipe like this one. And sometimes recipes like these can become greater things.
Over the summer we had a yard sale and my son wanted to make a little extra money, so I suggested he sell lemonade. But not just any lemonade. I have always thought simple lemonade was just a little plain for my taste. So one day when I was making homemade lemonade for the kids, I decided a strawberry lemonade sounded delicious. Making that strawberry lemonade set a ton of ideas into motion for my son’s lemonade stand. He offered an original lemonade as well as a pear lemonade and mango lemonade that we’d thought up together. Now you would think that the original would be the biggest hit. It wasn’t. The mango lemonade was favored by everyone and sold out quickly.
This really got my 14 year old to thinking, what if he offered different flavored lemonades in the summer months at out local farmer’s market? It’s amazing what kids can create from a simple all natural product. Now whether he’ll really do it is another story, but it did lead to him running from Treasurer at school in Drama Club. And just think, it all started with a unique Lemonade Stand.