How to Make Rice on the Stove
I was up in years before I learned how to make rice.
Knowing how to make rice on the stove top is simple, but you do have to do it right…

Well, cooking rice eluded me for some time.
I was taught to boil it and drain like pasta or attempted to use the boil-in-a-bag type of rice.
These were never tasty or appealing to me.
That’s probably why I have not been a fan of rice with gumbo, etouffee, and beef stew.
However, we started using Zatarains Long Grain Rice and learned how to cook rice correctly. It’s really quite easy now.

I do get Mike to make it all the time, because I have a special tendency to walk away from a boiling pot.
I ‘ve been known to forget and burn up a pot or two… Maybe three.
Anyway, below is our standard rice how-to for perfect rice every time.
This stove-top white rice recipe serves about 4-6 depending on the size of a main dish, or if using the rice for an appetizer size portion of gumbo.
Perfect White Rice Ingredients
2 cups water
1 cup long grain white rice
1 tablespoon olive oil or butter
Pinch of salt

How to Make Rice
In a 3 quart saucepan with a lid, pour in the 2 cups water, olive oil, and salt.
Bring water to a boil on medium-high heat.
Add rice and stir well. Cover and reduce heat to low #3.
Allow to steam 20 minutes.
Turn off heat. Let sit a few minutes.
Stir to fluff and serve.

Cajun Cooking TV features Beryl Caillouet Stokes and her grand-daughter Addison cooking up some good eating Cajun recipes from their kitchen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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The Cajun Cooking TV show airs on local Baton Rouge, Louisiana television channel WLFT MeTV channel 30.1 and on Cox cable channel 117 on Tuesday mornings at 10 am.
You Can Write Beryl At:
Cajun Cooking TV
7516 Bluebonnet Blvd # 179
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Been missing you…….where ya’ been?
Hi Jim,
Thank you for posting!
Have had a lot going on recently, working out of the country while building a new home and writing another book, along with all of the other stuff life brings you. We hope to be around a little more consistently now.
We appreciate you!
I saw your name and had to say howdy
this is Bill Matheny from Houston havent talked to you in a while. Sure hope your doing good and the wife and that beautiful grand daughter arent workin ya to hard.
my ph is still the same 574 286 2906 .
okay I don’t want to wear out my welcome here so adios and drop me a line ,that is if you remember me.
wm matheny
houston tx
Just one modification to this. My mother taught me how to cook rice (any kind) and it basically follows this script but one potential fault of this procedure is the phrase:
“Cover and reduce heat to low #3.”
My mother was very explicit here, she said that first one has to make sure that the water level is just at the surface of the rice…with bubbles appearing.
Then she says you reduce it to such a temperature that the rice will continue to steam up under the cover…. “low #3” means nothing depending on the type of range you are using and how it is graduated in it’s flame intensity (or even if it’s convention then what?)
So the real test is one has to get it low enough that the remaining water will steam sufficiently through the rice grains that in about 20 to 30 minutes all will be cooked.
This is not easy and must be learned for your particular range! So giving a universal instruction as above will cause rice to be either undercooked for some people and over cooked for others.
So I’d change that line to:
“Boil down the water until the water is just at the surface of the rice just when it is bubbling from the surface, then turn down the heat and cover the rice. Let it steam to such a point that a minute or two later you visibly see condensation falling from the inner lid (use a glass lid best for this) or if you are using a metal lid when you lift it and notice ample steam escapes from the rice. Getting this right is very important as it determines how quickly the rice will cook *through* to all the grains. If you turn the heat too hit …you might get burned rice in 20 minutes if you turn the heat too low you won’t get enough heat pressure and won’t cook the grains through…in any case being cautious is better than being over zealous so it’s better to over heat than under heat…under heated rice can simply be turned up and then covered again after adding a little more water until it cooks to the level of done ness desired…over estimated rice will burn.”
oops! better to under heat than over heat!! darn it.
Thank you, David. Great advice for our readers!
We appreciate you taking the time to reach out…