How To Grill Steaks

Want to learn how to grill steaks and make mouth-watering baked potatoes?
Grilled steaks are the All-American meal, especially for the men! Well, All-American includes Cajun in my book!
Cajuns love grilling steaks almost as much as boiling crawfish. The great thing about grilling steaks is that it is a year-round thing, whereas crawfish boils are seasonal.
We have some grilling tips, plus we’ve included our “skin-eatin’ good” baked potato recipe because baked potatoes go with grilled steak like white on rice.
We’re grilling a Porterhouse steak tonight, which is our favorite steak.
A Porterhouse steak has the filet, or tenderloin, one one side and the New York strip on the other side, with the “T-bone” in between.
A Porterhouse steak is similar to the T-bone steak, except that the filet (or tenderloin) side is much bigger.
Usually we’ll buy the biggest Porterhouse in the market, and split it, with Beryl getting the filet side and Mike getting the New York strip side.
(If you need some grilling tips, be looking for our Grilling Tips .)
How to Grill a Steak
Simple and Easy Dinner for Two (guys this can be very impressive for ladies)

You will need:
1 Porterhouse steak (look for good fat marbling and at least 1 inch thick)
2 large Idaho baking potatoes
Sea salt
Tony’s Creole Seasoning
Garlic powder
Spray oil
Grill (we use Old Smokey Grills)
Hardwood charcoal
Mesquite or hickory chips
Grilling tongs
Aluminum foil
Meat thermometer
Baking sheet
Toppings: Butter, sour cream, finely grated Cheddar cheese, and chopped green onions (crumbled real bacon is also a good option).
Let get going!
Step-by-Step Instructions
First: The Potatoes

About 1 ½ hours before your serving time, preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Rinse your potatoes off with cool water.
Cut 2 large enough pieces of aluminum foil.
Place a potato on the foil and spray with vegetable or olive oil spray.
Then, sprinkle on sea salt and/or Tony’s. (I just use Tony’s)
Wrap in the foil tightly.
Place a baking sheet to prevent splatter in your oven.
Bake about 80 minutes, or until done.
(You can tell they’re done by putting on an oven mitt and squeezing the potato. If it’s soft, it’s done.)
Meanwhile…The Porterhouse Steak
To prepare the Porterhouse Steak for grilling, place on a platter.
Spray with cooking oil spray. (We use olive oil)
Sprinkle sea salt, Tony’s and granulated garlic . Repeat on other side.
To the Old Smokey Grill –
For complete details on preparing your charcoal grill, please see either How to Grill Hamburgers or Grilling Tips.
Drain your Hickory Chips and sprinkle across the coals.
Away from the fire, spray your grill with cooking spray to prevent sticking.
Place the steak in the middle of the grill.
Sear on each side about 1 min each.
Place the grill cover on.
For a medium steak, turn after 5 – 6 minutes. Cover and cook another 5 – 6 minutes.

Check the meat temperature with the meat thermometer.
The temperature depends on your desired doneness.
We like medium (which is just a little pink) – 155 degrees F.
Carefully remove with grilling tongs and place on a platter.
Add a pat of butter and let sit a couple minutes before serving so the butter will melt and the juices fully distribute.
Servin’ It Up
The Skin Eatin’ Good Baked Potatoes are done if you give them a squeeze and they feel soft (use an oven mitt, of course) they are done.
Split open with a knife and squeeze to loosen the potato.
Top with all your favorite toppings.
Note: If we have some other side items like steamed broccoli or asparagus, we will split a big potato.
Serve the desired portion of the Porterhouse steak and a baked potato.
Bon Appetite!
See You Next Time!

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