How to Make Pecan Pie
Have you made your “sweet tooth” happy today? If not, let’s learn how to make pecan pie…

Pecan Pie is a dessert favorite in South Louisiana. Pecan trees are native to the southern United States. I love to get Pecan Pie at Piccadilly restaurant in Baton Rouge, LA.
We try to buy local pecans from Bergeron’s from New Roads, Louisiana. If you’re gonna be making Cajun cooking recipes, you’re sure gonna want this for a desert item in your bag of tricks.
Back in the day, my grandparents had a couple pecan trees in the backyard of their Southdowns home. I remember collecting pecans in a bucket and all of us sitting around the table cracking and shelling pecans. I’ve always loved pecans.
In this pecan pie recipe we added a little twist on the traditional pecan pie. We added a shot of Kentucky Bourbon and chocolate chips. It was a hit with the IT guys at my work. Although no food lasts long once they get a hold of it.
Prep Time: 1 hour
Serves: 6
How to Make Pecan Pie The Ingredients
1 package deep dish pie shells
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup Karo syrup; dark or light
3 tablespoons melted butter
2 tablespoons Bourbon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup chocolate chips
2 cups pecan halves
How to Make Pecan Pie The Cooking Directions
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
Remove 1 deep dish pie shell from the package.
Thaw for about 30 minutes prior to baking.
Melt the 3 tablespoons butter either on the stove or just for a few seconds in the microwave.
With a whisk, blend together the eggs, sugar, syrup, butter, Bourbon, vanilla extract and salt.
Now, stir in the chocolate chips and pecan halves.
Mix well.
Pour into the pie shell. Mixture should not overflow over the crust.
Place on a baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes.
Note: If the crust is getting too dark after 30 minutes, tear off thin strips of aluminum foil and wrap around the edges, or there are special gadgets you can buy specially for this purpose.
Cajun Cooking TV features Beryl Caillouet Stokes and her grand-daughter Addison cooking up some good eating Cajun recipes from their kitchen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
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Cajun Cooking TV
7516 Bluebonnet Blvd # 179
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810
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