How to Make Chicken and Sausage Gumbo

Chicken and Sausage Gumbo is hard to beat if you want a great meal that is very inexpensive and will serve a lot of people, or make a lot of leftovers to freeze for during the week heat-and-serve dinners.
These authentic Cajun recipes that we’re cataloging on this website are Louisiana cultural treasures.
This chicken and sausage gumbo recipe has been in our family a long, long time.
Simple, inexpensive, great-tasting and a Cajun cooking favorite, this recipe is for you if you want to learn how to cook chicken and sausage gumbo.
Want to know the secret to making a great gumbo?
It’s the stock. Watch the video to learn more about this secret of Cajun cooking.
How to Make Chicken and Sausage Gumbo
Cookware and Utensils Needed:
Large stock pot
6-8 quart Dutch oven or large pot (non-stick okay)
Flat wooden spatula or flat whisk
Cutting board
Ingredients for Your Gumbo

2 fresh chicken breasts
2-3 links Andouille sausage or any quality sausage
½ cup all-purpose flour
1 stick of butter
1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning (like Tony’s)
3 Bay leaves
4-5 cups Cajun Trinity (chopped onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic and parsley)
2 (1-pound) bags cut okra
2 (10-ounce) cans Rotel tomatoes
6-8 cups chicken stock
1 cup long grain white rice
Chopped green onions for garnish

How to Cook Your Gumbo
Prepare all your ingredients and have ready to go.
Fill the stock pot with water.
Leave enough room for the chicken breasts.
Season the water with salt and Cajun seasoning.
Bring to a Boil.
Place the chicken breasts in the boiling water and boil for 50-60 minutes.
Meanwhile, spray a non-stick skillet with canola oil.
Turn the heat on medium #6.
Cook the Andouille sausage turning often for about 20 minutes.
Remove and drain on paper towels.
Cut into ½ inch slices and set aside for later.

Next, in the Dutch oven, heat 2 tablespoons of canola oil and sauté the Cajun Trinity until onions and celery are translucent.
Set aside.
In the skillet, melt the 1 stick of butter.
Once bubbly and hot, gradually add the ½ cup of flour.
Sprinkle in a little flour and stir well.
Add a little more flour and stir and so on.
The Roux should be smooth with no lumps of flour.

Continuously stir until the roux becomes a dark caramel color.
Carefully, pour the roux into the Cajun Trinity.
Stir well.
Return the pot to the heat and place on medium.
Now mix in the Rotel tomatoes.
Ladle out 3-4 cups chicken stock from the boiling chicken pot.
Add to the mixture and stir well.
Add 1-2 bags of cut okra.
Make sure all is covered well with stock.
Add Cajun seasoning, Bay leaves, dashes of Tabasco.
Simmer for about 30 minutes.
Occasionally stir and add additional stock if needed.
The chicken breasts should be done after 1 hour.
Remove the chicken from the stock pot.
Let sit a few minutes, and then cut into bite size pieces.
Add the chicken and sausage to the gumbo.
Stir well and add more stock to cover all ingredients.
It should be a thick soup consistency.

Make a pot of rice for 4 people by bringing 2 cups water to a boil in a medium saucepan.
Add 1 cup rice.
Cover and lower the heat to medium #3.
Cook for 20 minutes and do not disturb the pot.
Serve the Chicken and Andouille Sausage Gumbo over rice in a deep plate or bowl..
Garnish with chopped green onions or bell pepper and sprinkle on gumbo file’.
A small salad and toasted French bread are excellent accompaniments for a complete meal.
Serves 6-8.
Also, gumbo freezes well for a quick supper during the workweek.
Bon Appetite!
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